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27 April 2015

Proudly Breastfeeding for 1 and 1/2 years... and counting!

baby mom breastefeeding
This is a post I wanted to write for a while now, and yesterday after I read this post, I decided to share both my experience and opinion...

I am breastfeeding my toddler for 1 and half years now, and I absolutely love it, I am proud of it, and I am not considering stopping anytime soon. .. I intend to keep breastfeeding as long as my son wishes it, and as both of us are comfortable doing it.

But let me explain firstly this, so I don´t came across as a “breastfeed  radical”…: I don´t think any less of mothers who don´t wish to do the same, and I understand breastfeeding as I am doing now  is not possible for certain life styles, work habits or simply…because a mother decides not to or simply can´t. Is simply a choice that should be left to any mother/baby pair… And it is ok, of course. We all have our child’s best interest at heart, and if a mother can´t do it,  or even if  is not comfortable/does not wish to… does not have to…is that simple. And is alright, and everyone will grow be happy and content independently of their sustenance, either from breast, bottle, other foods….

But on the other hand… I also expect the same level of understanding and respect of my choice to breastfeed and the length of it. It is well-known the long term benefits of nursing even after 1 year (read more here)… So I do get upset when I read that health practitioners say “you should quit breastfeeding” to a currently nursing mum.  And for what reasons is this said? Why should anyone quit breastfeeding? What are the benefits for a mum/baby pair to stop nursing? I really don’t understand this…

But still, I was expecting much more from educated health practitioners… 

Unfortunately breastfeeding is still not completely understood, and a nursing mum still receives some hurtful comments, even if they are not intended to hurt. I was recipient of some, from family members and friends. Questions as “what, you still breastfeed?” “what are you breastfeeding him until he is off to college, or something?” are often common, and they are oh, so hurtful. 

I suspect these comments unfortunately will not stop anytime soon, as breastfeeding and the length of breastfeeding raises passionate arguments from either sides of the topic. Remember the outrage the cover of Time magazine caused once (read more here)? 

baby, mum breastfeeding
I do enjoy breastfeeding my toddler. But it was not easy at all to begin with. It was incredibly difficult for us to learn the intricacies of breastfeeding…. Also my milk took a while to rise, maybe partially because my baby’s birth was complicated (this will be another story), and even after latching was really difficult for us to get the hang of it. So only after 2 months we were proficient at it… And now we are still going strong. So I am really proud of our little achievement.

I enjoy breastfeeding, and feeling my toddler close… But mostly I do it because I feel breastfeeding is the best for him. He is already is eating most foods, even eating by himself. But he still calls for me and asks to breastfeed some times. And why should I deny him this? And if he asks for it and there is no reason to decline, we shall breastfeed… 

For me, breastfeeding is so much more than providing nourishment. It provides as well comfort, security, sense of calm… it also is the ultimate pacifier when he is throwing a tantrum…

I respect other parenting choices. And I expect my decisions, choices, and parenting style to be respected and understood too. And you know what? If in one or two years I still choose to breastfeed… it should be respected the same.

 I am linking up with
Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com


  1. Anonymous1:29 am

    Great post, I agree that it is completely up to the individual to decide what is right for them. For various reasons I was unable to breastfeed my 3 so they were all bottle fed. Talking about length of time to breast feed, again I think that should be down to personal choice, my mum breast fed my brother until he was 3! I think he decided he'd had enough which is why she stopped.


    1. Thank you! I intend to let my lo breastfeed until he needs/wihes to... :) x

  2. Anonymous2:16 am

    Great Post and it's lovely to hear that you are so proud of breastfeeding! I am currently still breastfeeding my 1 year old, and loving it! #twinkletuesday

    1. Thank you! I love to breastfeed my lo too! :) I am proud, maybe because it was something so hard for me to accomplish in the beggining... x

  3. I was happy to stop breastfeeding at 10months but I do sometimes miss the insta calm effect of the boob :)

    1. Isn't it so great at times? And what about flying! We always have a really calm journey because most of the time he is enjoying the soothing boob effect... :) x

  4. We should definitely be supportive of mothers who carry on breastfeeding, just like we should be supportive of those who decide they can't carry on..Everyone has their reasons. I stopped between 5-6 months because I couldn't cope with the amount he was feeding, it was draining me and I was no use to him exhausted! Formula changed us for the better but there's no saying that would be the same for another child. Each child is different, each mother is different, and all we do is the best that we can for our children. It is wonderful when you do something out of the ordinary and that walk home looks fantastic! Last week Zach was asking desperately to go to the pub at the end of the road so he could go on the bouncy castle! So instead of going indoors and just letting him go out in the garden, we went to the pub and drank a couple of cokes while he played in the evening sun! It was wonderful although we did have a slight tired tantrum when we had to leave! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

    1. An exhausted mum surely is not what a baby or family needs! So true, every child is different, as is the family, and lifestyles. A mum should do whatever works for her and her baby...!
      Zach was having a good time, even I would not like to return home if I had da bouncy castle nearby... ;) Thank you for hosting! x

  5. A woman after my breastfeeding heart. Go woman! We're over 14months, a real achievement for me considering our very, very difficult start. It's up to mum and child, though I also think dad's should be involved. I can't wait for my next LLL Toddler Breastfeeding group meeting. There's room for all of us to make the best feeding choices for our children and each should get needed support. Lovely pics. #TwinklyTuesday

    1. Thank you! We have similar breastfeeding pasts, I also had a troubled beginning. Even though I did not mention it, dad is 100% behind us, and he was really supportive of us through all.
      Happy you enjoyed reading it! :)x

  6. A fantastic post! Thank you for sharing. I am breastfeeding my daughter Boo who is 16 months old and I was told the other week by a doctor to 'give up breastfeeding' I am not going to be listening though. Breastfeeding has had its ups and downs and my original goal was 6 months! But I am happy to carry on as long as Boo wants to and decides to wean herself. It's always fantastic to hear about about other mums who are breastfeeding their toddlers!

    1. Thank you! I feel exactly the same. If my lo still wishes to breastfeed I don´t see any reasons for not to. I shall breastfeed until he wishes and needs it! I also love to hear that other mothers are breastfeeding their toddlers. I just wish that our choice would be more respected....x
