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22 January 2013

Blogging about blogging

Third consecutive post, not bad I believe...!

 So, up until today my blog adventure is still an ongoing Project. After deciding on the main subject (which is about anything and everything), today I rearranged my blog´s the template. I am not sure if the rest of the bloggers had the same difficulties as I had, but I don´t find the tools to customize your templates user friendly, at least if you are not satisfied with the general aspects of the selected template. First, blogging become really serious! And I am not keen on hiring a web designer to do it, or buying a new one! However, when Googling  about blog templates, I got really useful contacts... if I decide to do precisely that. A few not so useful clicks after finally I got some helpful pointers, from slide shows about how to improve your blog design, blog articles (find it here and here) to you tube videos showing exactly how to do it. But in the end it is up to your taste (or to what your target audience is appealed by). For me is definitely up to what I identify with. Since this is still the beginning, later I can change my blogs template... 

What really got me surprised (or not)  with my web search, besides the amount of bloggers writing about blogs and blogging....(precisely what I am doing now), is the seriousness of the matter. When I first started to blog, and this was really ages ago, back in 2006 give or take, blogging was nothing more than a mere hobby. Everyone could start to blog (and at the time it was mostly teenagers who were doing it), and a boom of blogs got created. And I am not surprised, the number just kept on rising (if you wich to see a graph, click here). However, I am not sure if most of the blogs were kept active. Mine wasn´t for sure. I did created it, but only today I am actively writing on it (and lets see for how long). And as you can see by Nate Whitehill’s graph (whoever he is, sorry, I just did a quick search to support my theory) most of the blogs created were inactive quick afterwards (graph here). I am aware that there are professional bloggers around, but I believe that the mere hobby blogger is really serious about the quality that his blog presents. Otherwise the number of articles about how to blog, choosing your target audience, etc, etc etc that the professional bloggers write about....would not have any audience...I guess I am that audience! I did research about it. So theres sufficient target audience that wishes to post a professional blog... Not that I wish it, but I do want to have a appealing blog.... Or at least I am still working on it...

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